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Trigger Talk TV

One of my co-workers recently “cut the cord” on his TV service. He’s only watching over the air HD programs, and is supplementing those programs with a Roku box, which he uses to watch Hulu, Netflix, and Roku channels.

He’s not a gun-owner, but knows that I am a bit of an enthusiast (He jokes about heading to my house when the zombies rise. I tell him he’d better call first). Anyways, Roku has a channel dedicated to Firearms. I started watching Trigger Talk TV yesterday. On the surface, it looks good, for beginners. I’ve watched programs on cleaning an AR15, Ruger 10/22 basics, and some other things. The host does an excellent job explaining things to someone who may have zero experience with firearms.

I believe that they may make their episodes available online as well. If I understand how the Roku channels work, this is something that is essentially produced as a labor of love. If you have a few minutes, I’d encourage you to check them out.

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